Kindermark Kids Blog — child-height sinks
3 Fun Fall Activities for Preschoolers
The fall season offers opportunities for preschoolers to take part in a variety of different fun activities. From pumpkins to colorful leaves, the possible craft projects and learning experiences are endless. In today’s blog we discuss several of our favorite fall projects that preschool teachers can implement into their teaching plans this fall.
1. Creating a Fall Sensory Table.
Sensory activities play an important role in development. They facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore. Sensory tables provide children with a variety of sensory input experiences including tactile, vestibular, prospective and visual processing. In addition, scooping things is a fun way to strengthen fine motor skills. Kindermark Kids offers a variety of sensory tables to choose from. Then just fill them with your choice of items for the children to play with. During the fall season, you can use orange, yellow and red dyed pasta or rice, pine cones, sticks and leaves. You could even incorporate the sense of smell by adding some pumpkin spice seasoning in when dying the pasta or rice.
2. Painting a Pumpkin.
Preschoolers love to paint! Not only is it a fun activity, but it’s also a way for children to communicate their emotions or feelings. During the fall season, get rid of your typical paper and paint on pumpkins instead! How fun is that? Now their painting will become 3-dimentional. You can also teach children how to mix colors of paint to create new colors. Painting aids children in developing mobility skills too. Their hand muscles are being used, which allows them a scope to develop both mentally and physically. Letting them finger paint allows them to feel the textures of the paint as well as the pumpkin. Then you can teach them how to clean up using a child height portable sink for your classroom!
3. Collecting Colorful Leaves.
The best part about fall is that the leaves start changing colors. Exploring the outdoors and collecting different types of leaves is a fun way to get preschools moving and learning at the same time. You could start the activity by reading a book about the seasons changing and leaves falling. Then head outside for a nature hike. Once you’ve collected leaves, you can use them to create a collage to frame and display on the wall for some seasonal decoration. Another option is to use the leaves as stencils. Place the leaves under paper and let the children color over it. Not only does this leave a leaf shape on the paper, but it creates texture.
Kindermark Kids is here to help you make your preschool classroom a place where children can both learn and have fun. From our unique educational toys to our convenient storage solutions, we have everything you need to create an environment where your preschool students can thrive! Happy Fall Ya’ll!
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