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4 Must-Have Classroom Storage Furniture Items

4 Must-Have Classroom Storage Furniture Items

4 Must-Have Classroom Storage Furniture Items


When it’s time to furnish a new classroom or refresh a current one, storage furniture is necessary. Many classrooms serve multiple purposes or are limited in size, so using every square inch is vital. When selecting classroom storage furniture, it should be versatile and accessible to students when in use. Here are four types of classroom storage furniture that are must-haves for any classroom.


Cubby Trays


Cubbies and trays can serve multiple purposes, come in a variety of formats, and can teach children how to organize classroom items. Another bonus to cubby trays is they keep toys and items hidden to help maintain a clutter-free classroom. In addition, cubby trays are a great solution to store arts and crafts, small toys, game pieces, paper, and more. There are cubby tray options for both big and small classrooms. 


A cubby tray can be only tray shelf storage like this Jonti Craft 10 Tub Mobile Storage. Many of the cubby tray options at Kindermark Kids have either colored or clear bin options. Clear bins allow children to see what’s inside the containers easier, whereas the colored bins keep a more clutter-free aesthetic. No matter if your classrooms are filled with toddlers or elementary-aged students, cubby trays are a must-have classroom storage item.


Storage Shelves


Storage shelves might seem like an obvious pick for storage in a classroom, but there is so much versatility these days to classroom shelving. There are open shelvespuzzle shelves, and shelves in all sizes. You may prefer for your teachers and children to have complete visibility of classroom toys and items, and storage shelves make for easy playing and cleaning up. 


This Low Single Storage Shelving Unit is the perfect size for children to grab a toy off the shelf and features different size shelves so teachers can store other-sized items. This Mega Straight Shelf allows for extended shelving storage for books, games, toys, and more if space allows. Classroom storage shelves are the foundation of classroom storage and should be the first piece of furniture to add. At Kindermark Kids, we have classroom storage shelves that fit a variety of needs and classroom types.


Storage Cabinet


Classroom storage cabinets are great additions to the classroom when you need shelving and cabinet doors to close them away. Some storage cabinets have lockable cabinets too. These storage cabinets are perfect for teachers to store extra supplies or media items that children shouldn’t have unsupervised access to. Classroom storage cabinets can be mobile or permanent too!


This Supply Cabinet moves on wheels to allow teachers and staff to take supplies or needed items with them wherever they go. This Rainbow Accents Presentation Cart for classrooms that have presentations is mobile, lockable, and allows for easy access to cords and cables. If your school or facility has limited storage closets, options like this Rainbow Accents Classroom Closet gives teachers a large amount of lockable storage in the classroom. Classroom storage cabinets can serve multiple purposes for teachers and staff with various size and mobile options.


Book Storage


You can’t think of classrooms without also thinking of books. These two always come hand-in-hand, so book storage is essential in all classrooms. Bookcases in classrooms could be used as a book display or just simply book storage. For younger children, book displays are often necessary to encourage them to find a book and read. Classrooms with many books could benefit from a bookcase like this Mobile Adjustable Bookcase.


Book displays could be like a revolving tower that takes up less floor space but still displays books inviting to children. They can also come in a display shelving format like this Jonti-Craft Flushback Pick-a-Book Stand. Using both bookcases and book displays is helpful because you can put certain books on display and switch them out throughout the year to keep them fresh for students. Kindermark Kids offers creative solutions for book storage that also engages children and encourage their minds to prosper.



Classroom storage furniture doesn’t have to be boring additions to classrooms. In these modern times, classroom storage furniture is designed to be flexible, serve many needs, and engage children in play and learning. Whatever your school or classrooms need for storage, Kindermark Kids has the perfect solutions that will keep teachers and students happy.


Kindermark Kids provides toys, accessories, and furniture designed for classrooms, childcare facilities, and waiting rooms. From play equipment to diaper changing stations to classroom storage furniture to waiting room decor and everything in between, Kindermark Kids has what you need. Our goal is to feature developmentally appropriate furnishing and toys that provide both function and engagement. Contact Kindermark Kids today to see how our products can help!


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